Tuti Andayani


Code-switching is a very useful strategy in learning Eglish as a foreign language. Both teachers and students employ it to ease the learning process. This study investigated the code-switching employed by the students of SMPN 3 Sindang Kelingi. Four classes were recorded twice for about 25 minutes each by a digital voice-recorder. Thoseclassroom-recordings were transcribed and analyzed to find out the types, how, and why the students employed code-switching in the classrooms. The findings showed the students employed all three types of code-switching, dominantly the word type, followed by phrase and sentence code-switching. Moreover, the detailed analyses of the audio-recordings revealed that the students switched freely from one code to another without following a certain pattern or rule, especially in the informal situation when the teacher was not around but mostly they employed the Indonesian-English-Indonesian pattern. Their reasons to employ code-switching is based on their need to do the tasks given by the teacher correctly and quickly, to feel comfortable and get some help while studying English.Suggestion was made for thejunior high school English teachers to let the students employ code-switching since they are still at the elementary level of English proficiency, but as their abilities grow up, the use of code-switching should be decreased.



Students’ code-switching, Types of code-switching, Patterns of code-switchingffcfff, Reasons of employing code-switching.

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