Bambang Yudi Cahyono


Success in language teaching is affected by a number of factors, namely the method and material, teacher, instruction, sociocultural environment, and learner factors (Stern, 1983: 40). Among these factors, teacher is considered as the most important one as what the teacher does determines the degree of success contributed by other factors. This paper highlights the important role of teacher in determining the success of  English language teaching (ELT). More specifically, it will discuss the role of the teacher in (1) optimizing input for the students, (2) solving instructional problems, and (3) searching ways for professional development. In this paper, some ways are discussed for these three endeavors. In order to optimize input for the students, English teachers are suggested to use classroom language as a means to manage instruction and to use English language for genuine communication and interaction. In order to solve instructional problems in English classroom, English teachers are suggested to carry out action research focusing on the problems that students have in understanding learning materials or in improving their English acquisition. In order to develop professionally, English teachers are suggested to take options for their professional development. The implementation of any or all of these three endeavors by secondary school English teachers will contribute to the success of ELT in Indonesia. Thus, it is expected that the important role of teacher as highlighted in this paper will suggest a direction to where reformulation of ELT in Indonesia should go. 


input optimization, instructional problems, action research, professional development

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