Pengembangan modul bentuk molekul berbasis inkuiri terstruktur dengan penekanan pada level submikroskopik menggunakan pemodelan untuk kelas X SMA

Prima Sani Sholehah, Minda Azhar


This research has developed the module of molecular shape based on structured inquiry with emphasis on the submicroscopic level using modeling and determined the validity and practicality of the module. The research type was Research and Development (R&D). The development model was 4-D model that consist of four steps: define, design, development, disseminate. The research was limited on development step. The instruments of the research were validity and practicality sheet. The module was validated by 5 validators. Practicality module was tested by 2 chemistry teachers and 30 students of class X MIPA 1 at senior high school (SMAN 14 Padang). Validity and practicality data were analiysed by using kappa Cohen formula. The moment kappa average of 5 validators was 0,90 with very high validity category. The momen kappa average of teachers and students were 0,91 and 0,85 with very high category. The result of the research showed that the module of molecular shape based on structured inquiry with emphasis on the submicroscopic level using modeling was valid and practice to be used on the chemistry learning.


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Official Journal from Chemistry Education Study Programme
Chemistry Department
Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Universitas Negeri Padang
Jurnal Resmi Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia
Jurusan Kimia
Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
Universitas Negeri Padang

Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar Barat, Padang Utara, Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. 25171

ISSN (Online): 2502-6399