Determination of Maximum Adsorption Capacity of the Napa Soil on Chromium Ions (III)

Syukrya Ningsih, Mawardi Mawardi, Hary Sanjaya


Determination of maximum adsorption capacity of the Napa Soil on chromium ions (III) has been investigated, the aims of the research for to know the characteristics and maximum adsorption capacity of Napa soil on chromium (III). Experimentally, all steps were performed in series of experiment using a continuous techniques with respect to the influence of pH, initial chromium concentration, particle size, temperature heating adsorbent, solution flow rate, and determined the maximum adsorption capacity and adsorption affinity adsorbent was determined by the Langmuir Isotherm Equation and metal analysis carried out by Atomic Adsorption Spectrophotometer instrument. The results of this study showed that optimum condition at pH 5, initial chromium concentration is 250 mg/L, particle size is 850 mm, temperature heating adsorbent on 125°C, solution flow rate is 20 drops/min. Showed has the maximum adsorption capacity of the Napa Soil on chromium ions (III) is 3,28 mg/g.

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