Analisis Kandungan Mangan (Mn) dan Tembaga (Cu) dalam Bijih Besi di Daerah Abai Sangir Kabupaten Solok Selatan secara Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom

Ana Zulfa Nengsih, Zul Afkar, Bayharti .


A study concerning the analysis of the contain of manganese and copper in iron ore by using Atomic Absorption spectrophotometry. The goal of study is to determine the best solvent and the best volume of solvent that is best with particle size ≤ 63 μm. Manganese and copper analyzes performed using wet methods of destruction, where the destruction done with some variation. The first variation is solvent, that are concentrated HCl and concentrated HCl-HNO3 (3:1) or aquaregia, the second variation is  solvent volume, that are 30 mL, 45mL and 60 mL. The results showed that the highest manganese levels obtained using 45 mL of concentrated HCl solvent is 7.2792% and the highest copper solvent obtained using 45 mL of concentrated HCl is 0.3359%.

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