
Journal Description

JPPF is a national journal that publishes the scientific articles in the fields of physics learning and science learning. The focus of the articles which published in this journal comes from the scope of the Physics and Science learning including learning planning, learning implementation, learning assessment, and learning management and policies. This journal also publishes the articles originating from the integration of physics learning and science learning with other fields of science and the latest approaches in education.

The objective of JPPF is to facilitate students of the master's degree program in Physics education and other researchers to publish their scientific articles in the fields of physics learning and science learning. One of the main performances of postgraduate students is publishing their scientific articles in national and international journals. Scientific articles can be generated through assignments in their courses and thesis research. This journal provides an opportunity for Physics Education Master's Degree students to publish their scientific articles. This journal also provides a good opportunity for researchers in the fields of physics learning and science learning to publish their scientific articles in this journal.

JPPF has implemented an online journal system known as OJS with version 2. OJS is a web-based online journal management developed by PKP. OJS makes it easy to manage online journal publishing, starting from receiving manuscripts from authors, distributing manuscripts, checking manuscripts, editing manuscripts to publishing journals. OJS is a means for institutions to publish the work of their academic community so that they can be known in the national and global environment. The OJS version 2 application can be setup through five stages, including the details, policies, submission, managing, and display settings. Utilization of these settings can provide navigation system that helps electronic journal visitors to find their needs and maintain the security of the data in it.

JPPF publishes scientific articles in the scope of learning Physics and learning science twice a year, in March and September. JPPF has provided guidelines for writing scientific articles and template for articles. Authors can study the guidelines for writing scientific articles and write them in the template that have been provided. In general, scientific articles published at JPPF consist of titles, identities, abstract, introduction, research method, results and discussions, conclusion, and bibliography. These scientific articles are derived from research results including experimental research, classroom action research, research and development, descriptive research, correlational research, literature review research, and so on. The author submits scientific articles in the appropriate field online. All articles published on JPPF have been fully processed online and checked for plagiarism using Turnitin software.