
The purpose of this research is to know employee job training procedure to build quality of human resources in increasing economic growth at service company Cataliz Research Jakarta. Subjects in this study were Manager, HRD staff and SPV Project at Cataliz Research Jakarta office. With the number of informants three people with details of one manager, one HRD staff and one SPV Project. This study uses a descriptive research approach using a qualitative approach. The results of this study have a significant relationship between employee job training to build the quality of human resources in improving economic growth where employees can have an income that will impact on the reduction of unemployment and improve the country's economic growth because of the methodology used by the WEF to determine the competitiveness index of a particular State in ASEAN is the first, basic requirements such as institutional, infrastructure, macroeconomic conditions (stability) and the level of education and public health. Second, factors that can improve economic efficiency or productivity such as higher education and training to improve the quality of human resources need a training strategy to increase worker productivity. If worker productivity increases, then economic growth will increase. On the other hand, a rise in productivity is defined as an increase income. So it is always assumed that the benefits of an aggregate increase in education will be greater for the poor. Thus, if the level of productivity increases, then the income of the poor will also grow faster and eventually the inequality will shrink.


Pelatihan kerja, sumber daya manusia, pertumbuhan ekonomi