Using Classroom Blog to Teach Writing to Senior High School Students

Musfera Nara Vadia(1),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

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Copyright (c) 2018 Journal of English Language Teaching


Full Text:    Language : en


Writing is seen as the most difficult skill in language. It is no wonder that many students have troubles in writing. There are two main problems related to student’s writing. First, it comes from students themselves, such as lack of motivation and lack of writing knowledge. Second, it comes from teachers, whose teaching strategies are uninteresting. The teachers don’t integrate the writing class with media; as a result, the students found writing difficult and boring. One of many ways to make students motivated in writing is integrating classroom blog in writing class. Classroom blog offers many advantages for both students and teachers. Besides it connects teachers and students outsides classroom, it also offers authentic audience which makes students motivated to write better. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to explain how to integrate classroom blog in teaching writing. By conducting the classroom blog, it is expected that it can create fun learning environment and facilitate the teaching and learning process.


Classroom Blog, Teaching Writing, Senior High School Students

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