
This research is conducted based on the phenomenon of an interaction of learning English based on curriculum 2013. This study aims to find and analyze the pattern of IRF interaction used by students and teachers in SMA Negeri 2 Padang Panjang. The types of questions teacher use, types of student responses to teacher questions, and the types of teacher feedback in responding to a student. Theories about the types of question used by a teacher in the classroom, theories about the types of student responses in the classroom and theories about the various feedbacks that teachers use in the classroom are used as the basis for answering those three questions. The results of the analysis show that, 1) there are five types of questions that teachers often use to ask students questions: referential question, display question, convergent question, and divergent question, 2) there are four types of responses used by students: open-ended or student-initiated, specific response, silence, and similar student responses, 3) there are five types of teacher feedback: repeating, acknowledging a correct answer, indicating an incorrect answer and summarizing. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative. Data is collected in two classes with two teachers and each class has 36 students. Based on IRF analysis it can be concluded that between teacher initiation and student response dominate each other but the response of students with the frequency of student initiation is still very low. The reason for this is because the teacher initiates a lot by asking students, the students automatically passive and only a few express their ideas. So that the goal of the learning process based on the 2013 curriculum is not achieved optimally.

Key words: Classroom discourse, interaction, IRF, curriculum 2013.