Syahriyani Fitri, Hayati Syafri


This paper present and analises utilizing of FIACS to decipher the students’ passive problem in classroom interaction which was done by the teacher and nineth grade students of SMP N 1 Sungai Pua. This paper used qualitative descriptive method with observation. FIACS as an observational system, it captures the verbal behaviour of teachers and students. The role of FIACS is  finding out the students’ passive problem in classromm interaction as teaching inovation. There are ten categories to clasify classroom verbal interaction. Those categories devided into three aspects. They are teacher talk, students talk, and silence. One of categories in FIACS is praises and encourages. The actions in praises are giving reward in order to confirming that the students answer is correct, and giving some statement like good, very good, excelent, ect. On the other hand the actions of encourages are giving the positive reinforcement to construct the students’ convident in classroom interaction. this category is applying as teaching inovation to escalating the students initiation in classroom interaction.


Keywords : classroom interaction, FIACS.

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