Pelaksanaan Lesson Study dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Siswa Kelas VII 5 MTsN Lubuk Buaya Padang

indra Putri, Atmazaki ., Syahrul R


Abstract: This research started from less efectivity on learning teacher meet in religion ministry in Padang. The less teacher who available in each grade and there is no professional team of lesson study made learning less efficiense. This research intended to describe the implementation of plan, do  and see lesson study in learning Indonesian at grade VII.5 MTsN Lubuk Padang. Further  observer understanding  to the duties and responsibilities also classroom management by model’s teacher. Based on these findings it could be concluded that the implementation of lesson study still needed improvement in order to get better learning in the classroom.


Kata kunci: pelaksanaan lesson study, pembelajaran, strategi.

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