Interferensi Bahasa Mandailing dalam Bahasa Indonesia Tulis Siswa Kelas VIII MTS Baharuddin Kecamatan Batang Angkola Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan

Anni Rahimah, Agustina ., Syahrul R


Abstract: Linguistic problem which is discussed in this research is about interference, it is error which is caused by first language ( L1 ) to second language ( L 2). scmorphology, vocabulary,and syntax. But in this reseach, it is limited on morphology. This research ains to de scribe Mandailing language interference in Indonesian writing from the word, kinds, and the caused.

This research uses qualitative research and used descriptive method. The object of this research is the VIII grade students of MTS Baharuddin writing. The data of this research is the words in sentence which contain of mandailing language morphological  interference in students’ writing. The instrument of this research is performance test. The data collection is done by grouping the words which is interferenced into the work analysis table.

The result of the research shows that morphological interference of Mandailing in students’ Indonesian writing of theVIII grade students of MTS Baharuddin. First, there are Mandailing language interference in Indonesian include 40 words from (1) such as ( nominal, verbal, adjective and conjunction), (2) affixation, (3) reduplication, and (4) composition. Second, productive interfernce, reseptive and psycological interference. Third, factors which caused the interference in students’ writing are : (1) the influence of first language, (2) the lack of understanding on the language which is used, and (3) unsuitable language teaching . so that, it can be concluded that based on the data found, the interference which is seen in the students’ writing is still fair, it means because the students are influenced by bilingual of the students.

Keywords: sociolinguistic, acguisition, two languages, interference

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